Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

America Remembers….

Monday, September 11th, 2006

… or at least, I hope we do. Five years ago today a bunch of criminals killed thousands of innocent civilians in the name of god.  What kind of god do they believe in?  Well, let’s face it, these radical Islamic lunatics believe it’s their mission to wipe us off the face of this earth. They will not give up. We can be all nicey-nice to them, talk about rights, the Geneva Convention, and the like, but they do not care. They don’t follow any rules of humanity. They are animals.

We need to hunt them down, each and every one of them, and rid the face of the earth of them and their kind. Pure and simple, it’s us or them. I vote “us.”

So, we cannot let down our guard. We must be vigilant. We know they’re trying to attack us again. And again. And again. They will not give up easily. We have to use all means at our disposal to hunt them down and eliminate the threat, however we must do it. It may not be pretty, but it needs to be done. Our survival depends on it. The jihadists must go!

“Secret” Prisons…..

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

Well, not so secret anymore. President Bush announced yesterday that the CIA has been holding over a dozen terrorists in “secret” prisons for a number of years, and now they are being transferred to Guantanamo for eventual trial. Secret prisons? I say, “GREAT!”

We need to hunt out terrorists wherever they are, wherever they try to work on their activities. We need to isolate them. We need to get information out of them–however we can. This is important in our war on terror.

It’s them or us. I vote for “us.” We can not afford to let terrorists gain the upper hand. We must use all means at our disposal to find them and prevent future terror. If that means imprisoning them in “secret” prisons, great! If that means listening to phone calls to/from known terrorists, great! If that mean looking at the money trail for terrorist groups, great! If that means shutting down those who reveal our tactics, again, great!

We must do WHATEVER IT TAKES to protect ourselves and our freedom. These Islamic extremists want nothing less than our demise. It’s a fight to the death, and I prefer the death to be theirs!

God bless the USA!

Vote, Dammit!

Tuesday, September 5th, 2006

Today is election day here in Florida. For a number of races, it’s the primary election, and the final decisions will be made in November. For a number of local races, it’s decision day, today. No matter what, everyone should get out and vote today.

I am amazed at the apathy of people who think that they cannot make a difference. All it takes is one vote, and your vote could be that one. When people don’t vote, it’s true that it makes my vote even more important. But I’d rather see 100% voter participation in the democratic process….it’s part of the reason my ancestors came to this country–to be free. So, get out today and vote. If you don’t vote, then you have no right to complain, pure and simple.


Religion + Politics = oil + water

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

Religion and Politics should not be mixed. Religion is personal, it’s how one views the world from a spiritual perspective. Politics, on the other hand, is how one views the world from a civil perspective. That’s not to say that religious people cannot be politicians, nor to say that politicians cannot be religious.

Any person is going to be the sum total of who they are. No politician can say that their religious beliefs will not influence their political behavior, nor can any religious person say that politics has no influence on them. But to tie them together, inexorably, is, I believe, a big mistake.

Many political wars have been fought “in the name of” religion. Read about the crusades, for example. And at many times in history, religious institutions have controlled the civil area (Middle Ages, Popes, “Holy” Roman emperor–figure it out, put two and two together!).

Though you cannot separate the two, I believe that politicians who wear their religions “on their sleeve” should not be trusted. Nor, for that matter, should we trust religious leaders who align themselves with a political party. It’s just not a good mix. One will always be beholding to the other. You cannot mix the two and always serve both. Who was it that said “man cannot serve two masters?”  And who said “render to Caesar….?”  Think about it!

Did Saddam have it right?

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006

First of all, the answer is a resounding “no!”  But what question am I answering? I read more reports on Saddam Hussein’s second trial. His warplanes gassed a whole bunch of people. Definitely not right, definitely not cool, definitely WRONG WRONG WRONG. But why? He had trouble maintaining order.  He was a cruel dictator that could only maintain order by terror.

Perhaps the US should have taken a clue from his actions before we invaded Iraq. I agree, getting rid of Saddam was the right thing to do. Dismantling his weapons programs, his genocide programs, and his reign of terror–all good things to do, and I’m glad he did them. But we should have known how hard it would be to wrest that country from the religious division it’s had (Shiite vs. Sunni vs. Kurd, etc.). We should have known that trying to bring democracy to people who don’t really want it would be a tough sell.

My thoughts: after outsing Saddam, we should have left the various factions alone to fight it out. Would that be very humanitarian? No. But then again, there are things going on in other places in the world that are not humanitarian either (such as Africa).

We should have toppled Saddam, and let the country do what it wanted to do–fight each other. Let the United Nations try to fix it–they are impotent most other places, why not give them a grand center stage in which to fail, which I sure they would have.

Yes, we should have removed Saddam and ended the ties to terrorism. But, we should have bugged out aftewards and let the country do what it wants to do, which is apparently kill each other. At least, they’d be killing each other and not our soldiers. And they’d have been so busy killing each other that they’d have no time or resources to support terrorism. It’s a lost opportunity…we could have “won” in Iraq, if only we’d taken the clue that Saddam gave us…..

If it acts like a crook…..

Monday, August 21st, 2006

Just when I thought I’d leave the issue of religion, I get a chance to mix it with politics. A local state senator was recently found guilty of grand theft, a felony, because he had some people from his office work on his reelection campaign while being paid on the state dollar. Sounds like a crook to me, smells like a crook, and a jury found that he is a crook.

Now a dozen area ministers are supporting this crook. They say he didn’t get a fair trial because he’s black. I got news for you: a jury of peers found a crook and convicted him. Just because you’re supposedly religious, that makes you an expert? What a bunch of bullcrap. Let’s place the damned “race card,” huh? Well, Siplin (the state senator) is a crook. I guess maybe he thinks he should get away with it solely because he’s black, and a bunch of so-called ministers seem to agree. Shame on them. They are certainly not ment of god, but self-serving bastards!

Call a crook a crook, it does not matter his color. I don’t care if he’s black, white, yellow, or green. He’s a crook, convicted, and that’s that.

By the way, another local official was recently removed for similar offenses….he used county workers to repair his house. No one’s calling his indictment unfair….oh, wait, he’s white…it does not count.

Shame on anyone for playing the “race card.” And double, triple shame when it’s so-called ministers. They only minister to their own self interests and are a disgrace to honest, god-fearing and god-serving people everywhere.

Gary Siplin, admit what the jury said, “you’re a crook.” Be penitent. Realize you’ve been convicted because you’re guilty, not because you’re black. Repent. Be contrite. Be apologetic. Be saved. As for the other so-called ministers who “support” you, they know the road their headed on, and it’s not one of salvation….

A big “get rich quick scam”

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

Want to get rich quick?  It’s easy–become a lawyer, find some piddly little issue, hold it over a company, make it a class action lawsuit, come up with a settlement where the “injured” parties (the actual clients) get diddly-squat, and walk away with $3 million in “lawyer fees.”

Yes, I am a part of such class action lawsuit, and those are basically the terms. Apparently my car insurance company, Progressive, may have pulled my credit report and used it in a way that was not technically legal. Whatever. They should not have done that. But as a result, what do I get? A free credit report. Well, I have news for you: I get one free credit report each year from each of the major credit companies, regardless. So what do I really get out of this settlement? Nothing. Actually, I get less than nothing.

What do the lawyers get? The ones who sued and made this a class action lawsuit? They get $3-fucking-million dollars (pardon my French). That’s absolutely highway robbery, because guess who’s gonna pay for that settlement? Me!  Yep, since I have insurance with Progressive, do you thing the board is gonna pull it out of their pockets? No way. They’ll pass the cost on to me.

So I get screwed twice, and it’s due to some high-paid, get rich quick lawyers, scum of the earth. This is the problem with our legal system. People suing for every little thing. What we really need is a loser pays system, where the loser pays the laywer fees on both sides. You’d see a lot less people suing Target for a  “slip and fall” if they had to pay if they lost.

What do YOU call 3,000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? I call it a good start!

Time for the FairTax

Saturday, July 29th, 2006

FairTax Book It is time for a fair tax. Now, I don’t like paying tax any more than anyone, and I want to pay less tax. But that’s not what the fair tax is about. We need to pay taxes, to support the programs of our nation. But we need to be fair about this. If you are not familiar with the fair tax, I suggest you buy “The FairTax Book.”Check or your neighborhood bookstore. It’s only a few bucks and well, well worth it. Heck, if you want, let me know and I’ll send you a copy–it’s that important to me.
No to IRSSo, it’s time for the FairTax. Time to get rid of the IRS. Time to make April 15th just another spring day. Get rid of the IRS. Let everyone pay their fair share. Tourists coming to the US? Let them pay some tax, they’re using our infrastructure. Illegal Immigrants getting paid under the table? Let them pay some tax, they’re consuming our resources. Tired of trying to figure out the multitude of conflicting and confusing IRS regulations? Get rid of the IRS and let each and everyone who buys or consumes anything pay tax on it.

Are you poor and want to buy a Yugo? Pay some tax on it. Are you rich and want to buy a Caddilac? Pay tax on it–more tax. Pay tax based on what you buy and what you consume, each and every one of us.

What about the poor? The FairTax gives a “prebate” to each and every one of us based on the poverty level, so that we are not taxed on the bare necessities of life. How much more fair could it be? Millions of the poor will pay even less tax than they do today. They’ll in effect get a wage increase. How is this possible? The FairTax gets rid of income tax AND social security and medicare taxes! Even the poor pay these. Well, especially the poor. But, I digress.

Let’s get rid of all income tax, FICA, medicare, social security, all those taxes. The FairTax will usher in an unprecedented era of growth and our economy will flourish. Foreign companies will flock here, rather than running away from the US.

Let me tell you folks, the FairTax is the way to go, and it’s a movement that’s gaining momentum. Ban the IRS! Get rid of Income Tax. Vote for whoever supports the FairTax, and against all it’s opponents. If you and your children want to enjoy unprecedented prosperity, this is the way to go the FairTax!!

Feeding the Homeless / Feeding the Bears

Tuesday, July 25th, 2006

Orlando has decided to restrict feeding the homeless near the downtown area. Businesses in the area claim it brings crime. Duh! What a surprise. It’s kinda like feeding the bears, isn’t it? When you feed a bear, it’ll get trained to come back, and it’ll bring its friends. It will no longer have to wander around, working for its food. It knows where to go for food. Same thing with the homeless. I’m not against feeding them and helping them out. I think it’s society’s job to do that. But society should also be trying to help the homeless be not-homeless. Simply feeding them draws them back and, without the opportunity (or desire) to work for food (like the rest of us working people do), some of the homeless simply become hangers-on. They become like the bears, coming back for food because it’s easy and because they do not have to work hard for it. Free food to help someone get back one their feet–that’s our duty as people. Free food to encourage people to not work–shame on us when we do that!

I’m not sure I agree with the city of Orlando’s law, but I do think that as a society we need to be careful about the results of our actions. Feed the homeless, but act responsibly and encourage them to get back on their feet and become non-homeless again. That should be our goal.

Orlando/Orange County’s misplaced priorities

Saturday, July 22nd, 2006

Ahh… Politicians….what a bunch of hypocrites and phonies. Here in central Florida, they are no better than anywhere else. In recent news, Orlando and Orange County are once again trying to cram a new arena down the throats of the taxpayers, trying to make people believe that this is all “free” money from somewhere else that will give us great benefits. What it will do is benefit the owner of the Orlando Magic–which has been far from a magical team lately.

On top of all this, there is political fighting because Nemours wants to give the area a new hospital. Yes, you heard right. $250 million for a new hospital!  But the other hospitals are afraid of the competition. Last I knew, competition and the free market were among the foundations of our country.

On top of all this, Orange County schools are facing something like a $75 million shortfall in money needed to build new schools and remodel existing ones. The politicians allow development after development with little thought to the impact to our school system. On top of that, a brand new teach in Orange County can expect a starting salary of about $32,000 this year, and top teachers with a master can expect a several thousand less than double that–after many, many years of experience.

Where are out priorities. We can look at what politicians “say” they are–but when we really investigate, we find out that they are misplaced by a mile. What a joke. Throw the bastards out in the next election, and get some new, fresh, socially progressive and fiscally conservative politicians in who will spend our money like it’s their own, not like a kid with $5 in a penny candy shop!