Traitorous Tendencies

January 20th, 2007

Count me as another one in the category of “unfavorable” if I was asked to voice my level of approval for the job George Bush is doing as president. And what do I base most of my unsatisfactory rating on? Well, Iraq is a part of it, but more than that, it’s the disloyalty of Bush and his administration to the conservative values of lowering taxes. Sure, there was a big show in his first term of limiting taxes, and reducing some. I felt it, and it was good. But overall, Bush and the Republicans have grown the government and increased federal spending. Where does that money come from? Me. And you. From us. In the form of taxes.

The latest fiasco is his supposed proposal on health care. I’m glad that he’s proposing that certain workers with little or no health insurance will get a tax break. But at what cost? Well, he’s proposing that those who have a good, comprehensive program now pay taxes on some of it. It looks like Bush is talking about surreptitiously raising taxes. Boo. Boo…. Bad idea.

Bush is being a traitor to his supposed conservative values. I’m afraid if he keeps this up, history will judge him harshly, and rightly so. He needs to lower taxes for all, and keep lowering them. Shrink the government. Reduce federal spending. Give me more of my hard earned income.

Shame on you, George W. Bush. Shame on you!

Send in the Troops

January 18th, 2007

I agree that things are not going well in Iraq. I think that we really are “barking up the wrong tree” when we try to force democracy on a bunch of semi-barbarians that want to rule by brute force and use religious fervor as their war cry. I don’t think democracy will work for them. But hey, we tried. Now it’s time to work on extricating ourselves from their mess. We gave it our best shot, what more can we do.

Do I want to see us send more troops into Iraq? Definitely not. But then again, I’m no general. So while I’m opposed to it, we elected George Bush to lead, and so let him lead. If he thinks it’ll help, who the heck am I to second guess him. It’s a good thing we live in a republic and not a democracy. We elected him to lead, let him lead, for better or worse.

But overall, I hope and pray that we extricate ourselves from the mess we call Iraq as soon as we can. Hopefully they (the Iraqis) can make a go of it. If not, we’ve given it our best shot. If so, great!

A Modern Tragedy

December 21st, 2006

It is a tragedy of modern times that we do not value teachers enough. Take a look at their pay. It’s pitiful. They are the front line in educating the citizens of tomorrow….the ones who’ll take care of me when I’m old and feeble. Yet as a society, in general, we seem to put such little value on teachers, and pay them poor salaries. Truly they do it out of love, and that’s an admirable quality. I have two sisters who are teachers. One of them wrote the following in an email message recently:

Yesterday afternoon, I was busy correcting personal narratives. I’m checking for things like beginnings that grab the reader’s interest, strong use of details, dialogue, and other criteria. I have a student whose mother was killed in a car accident 17 months ago. He wrote about finding out his mom was dead. His narrative did not met many of the requirements, but how do you grade something so sad and so heartfelt? It made me realize how hard Christmas must be for him. He lives with his grandparents, but his brother lives with his dad. They won’t see each other this Christmas, and I realize just how good I’ve got it. At Christmas, we often get bogged down in a mountain of tasks, but need to remember that we are blessed to be able to complete those tasks, one at a time. And if they don’t all get done…so what? We have the gift of love. We have the gift of family. Nothing else matters. Oh, and the student, with a bit of tweaking on my part, ended up with an “A”.

My sister, as a teacher, has the ability to touch this child, to give them hope, to give them a shoulder to cry on, to lend a kind word, to touch their heart. Why do we not value teachers more, and pay them more. The good ones (and both of my sisters count among those) are not paid nearly enough for what they do. We pay the administrators and the politicians much better, yet they don’t make the difference in one life that an individual teacher can.

Perhaps, if you can read this, you have a teacher to thank. I suggest you do so today, now.

Merry Christmas.

My weird family

December 17th, 2006

My family is weird. Definitely weird by today’s standards. I so often hear of families where someone is not speaking to someone over some distant (and often fuzzily defined) issuer. Or families where everyone is divorced and remarried so many times that you need a scorecard. Or families that see each other once every few years, the visits are far between and, when visiting in another city, you stay in a hotel, not at their home.

My family is not like that. They are definitely weird.

Among my brothers and sisters, all are still married to their original spouses, all over 25 years. Definitely weird. Of all my cousins, I think there’s one or maybe two divorces. That’s it. Not a lot of churn. Looking to my mom’s cousins, there is a divorce or two, not much.

My family is so weird. We actually visit each other. No one would think of letting a family member staying in a hotel when visiting. Hospitality reigns. Just in town for a bit? Stop over for dinner, food will magically appear and you’ll eat like a king. Driving through? Stop by, you’ll be welcomed like you’re a king.

Definitely weird.

I am very lucky.

Christmas in the Country

December 11th, 2006

This isn’t really about Christmas, it’s about country. Country, as in country music. I was thinking about country music yesterday, having spent part of the day watching CMT on TV. What is it about country music that’s touched me lately?

Well, when I look back, there have always been a number of country songs that I’ve enjoyed. Many of them were crossover songs, popular both in the country and in the “pop” world. But it’s more than that. As I’ve listened to more and more country music, I am fascinated by the deep feeling and meaning that many songs have.

When I was younger, I thought all country music was about was drinking, sex, cheating, whiskey, fighting, who’s husband or wife left, etc. But I find that it’s a lot more than that. It’s really more about faith, belief, hope, love, community, thankfulness, sharing, and peace. There are so many great country songs, and so many great country singers. I can’t remember the last time I heard about some pop star donating money to feed starving children or the like–they are most likely to get up on their high horse politically and complain, but do nothing about it. When was the last time you heard about Alec Baldwin or Madonna quietly feeding the hungry, or setting up a fund to house the homeless? Never, that I’ve heard of. If they do something at all, it’s purely for publicity, and only a token effort at that.

Country stars, on the other hand, generally do not get up and speak out politically. (And if they do, they can end up like the Dixie Chics–scorned!). Rather, they seem to act and give and not make a lot of noise about it. I hear from time to time about some of the great things people like Dolly Parton have done. And it’s wonderful. Amazing. Touching. And they don’t do it for publicity, they do it out of love.
I think country music, in essence, speaks of and to the heart and soul of good people everywhere. You don’t have to be a Christian to be touched by the deep faith and belief of many country songs.

So, this Christmas season, I am happy to say that I have a new found appreciation for country music and for all things “country.” So, I guess, I’m having a “country Christmas” this year, and loving every minute of it!

The Real Danger of Electricity

December 2nd, 2006

There is a real danger to electricity, and I had the chance to ponder on that fact today. Now, when I was a child, my parents taught me to be careful with electricity. I learned to respect that current going through the wires. I learned how to replace a light bulb, how to fix a broken cord or plug, and learned what can happen when you’re not careful. Heck, I learned that last lesson again a few years ago on Christmas eve: I’d fallen asleep on the sofa with all the tree and inside Christmas lights on, and awoke to some sort of noise and what sounded like sparking….I’d overloaded a circuit and the plug in the wall (actually, it was a noise filter) was shooting sparks! I quickly unplugged it and felt the warm cord. Shame on me, I’d overloaded a 5 amp filter with, I’m sure, a lot more than that. The next morning a 10 amp filter was on it’s way, and now I use some heavy duty cords to make sure.

But, I’ve gotten away from the purpose of this post. You see, apparently, I’ve learned nothing about the real danger of electricity. I know this is so because I just spent the last bit of time cutting warning tag after warning tag off of a series of 7 watt lights!  Yes, I have some little village type things I put up every Christmas, and this year I just could not deal with all the warning tags. There were four on each cord! Four! What did they say? Hell if I know, just some sort of warning about the dangers of electricity. Apparently I’m an idiot or a dolt, or just got up from a hundred year nap and don’t know a thing about electricity! Four warning tags! For one 7-watt light!

But the real danger, the REAL danger of electricity, the real danger is when you try to cut those tags off. It’s hard to get a scissors in there, and using a sharp knife is also dangerous–don’t want to cut the cord, right (See, I knew that and yet none of the warning tags warned me about the danger of removing them!)?  So, the real danger of electricity is in removing those unsightly warning tags.

Hey, I wonder… if I’d cut myself while trying to remove a warning tag, could I have sued the maker, because no where did they warn me of the dangers of removing the tag, nor provide any easy means to remove the tag. I’ll bet some lawyer out there would take my case, make it a class action, and walk away with several million dollars. Me? I’d get enough from the lawsuit to buy a box of band-aids!

The Grinch did not steal Christmas!

December 1st, 2006

Yes, I know, I read the book, too. How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Of course, if you remember the ending, who won? Christmas did. And the people of Whoville.

Why am I bringing this up? There are a lot of so-called Politically Correct people out there trying to steal Christmas from us. I’ll admit, it’s a bit better this year, as some major retailers have put Christ back in Christmas, refusing to bow to the pressure to change “Christmas” to Holiday or something else. It’s the Christmas Season, I’m going to do Christmas shopping, I’ll sing and listen to Christmas Music, and I’ll wish people a “Merry Christmas.”

Yes,the Grinch will not win. Actually, it’s the so-called politically correct Grinches that will not win, not if we don’t let them. If you celebrate Christmas, wish me a “Merry Christmas.” If you celebrate Hannukah, I’ll accept your “Happy Hannukah.” If it’s Kwanzaa, “Happy Kwanzaa” greeting are fine by me. Celebrate the holiday you want to celebrate, and I’ll do the same. Just don’t tell me what I can’t celebrate.

It’s December, it’s the Christmas season, and I’ll be wishing you a “Merry Christmas!”

Thanksgiving, 2006

November 23rd, 2006

I have a very lot to be thankful for. But this Thanksgiving Day, I am most thankful for the ordinary. My sister, Mary, poetically summed this up the other day:

there is no blessing that I seek
no question i would ask,
i am grateful for the gift
of an ordinary life.

I cannot add a thing to that sentiment. Mary is sure the poet and the writer in the family.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the ordinary in my life, but the people in it are anything but ordinary: family, friends, coworkers–all wonderful and influential in my life. And there are things: work, home, food, gardening, pets, shopping…. so many more…. ordinary to many, but again, special to me.

I am thankful this Thanksgiving, very Thankful. Especially for the ordinary….

My Personal Dichotomy — a source of angst?

November 18th, 2006

I wonder: am I a Polish American, or an American Polack? It seems a fair question. My grandfather and all my great grandparents came to the United States from Poland (or whatever had been Poland at one time, when they came over). What were they? Resoundingly, they were Polish. No doubt. Not even the hint of a doubt. They spoke Polish. They followed Polish traditions. They were religious as Poles are. The associated with other Poles, even when in this country.

What, them, am I? Well, I guess I am an American first. After all, that’s why the left family, friends, home, and their own culture, to come to America to give their children and their descendants a chance at a new life, a life in America, a life of freedom and opportunity, a new life, one unlike the lives they must have known.

Yet, when they came, though they adopted their new country by learning English, by becoming citizens, and by voting and having a say in things, they did not forget the “old ways.” They were proud of who they were and where they came from. And so am I. I can’t explain it, but I feel quite a connection. I am an American, but I am also a Pole, even though I’ve never set foot on Polish ground. I honor my background and the traditions of my ancestors, every day. I am proud of them, of what they accomplished, and of the opportunities they gave me. I have not forgotten. But even more so, I cannot forget. I can’t forget, just can’t.  And, in it all, I feel so fortunate, so connected to them, so lucky.

I am a Polish-American, and damned proud of it!

Fresh Air

November 9th, 2006

I can almost smell the fresh air today. I am talking, of course, about politics and the elections. Though in some cases I do not agree with the results, the people have spoken and overall, I think (or at least hope) that we’re in for a fresh start. There are several reasons to believe this will happen:

  • Don Rumsfeld resigned yesterday. I can’t fault him for the job he did. He was tough and unyielding. Yet, when things were not going quite right in Iraq, he “stayed the course” even when it wasn’t working. It is time for a breath of fresh air, a new look at the problems in Iraq. Rumsfeld had to go so that someone else could take a fresh look and get a fresh start on the Iraq problem.
  • Both houses of Congress are now controlled by the Democrats. After 12 years of Republican rule, it was time for a change. Though the Republicans are supposedly for smaller government and less taxes, overall, the reverse has been true of their tenure in control of Congress. Government has doubled in size and our tax burden is much larger than it was 12 years ago. I don’t have much faith in the Democrats to shrink government or lower taxes, but they can’t do much worse than the Republicans did.
  • In Florida, we have a new governor. Charlie Crist will be our next governor. He promises control of taxes and spending. I think he will be a fine successor to Jeb Bush, who did a very good job. And, in Florida, we don’t need you stinkin’ FEMA to manage our hurricane crises–we are prepared, thanks in large part to Jeb’s plolicies.

I could go on, but in the end, I am hopeful that we’ll see a breath of fresh air in the country. There were some downers in the elections, both locally and at the state level: a number of states passes a “marriage ammendment,” designed to keep gay people from enjoying the benefits that striaght people have. Thankfully, Arizona did not follow suit. Seminole county turned down a chance to increase taxes slightly but use the money for land preservation and recreation areas. Bummer.
But, overall, we have a fresh breeze blowing in the country at the moment. Of course, with this opportunity comes great responsibility for the Democrats. They still have to work with the other party. The religious right–unfortunately–still has too much influence. But overall, we can work together for the common good. Let’s see what happens. The Democrats have two years to make a difference. I hope they hit the ground running….